I am so thrilled and excited to be able to provide my readers with a wonderful interview by the biggest new up-and-coming author, Kaleb Nation! If you have not heard that name before, you are sure to know it as a household name within a very short time! Mr. Nation has just recently released his first Young Adult novel titled Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse. This is a first in a series focusing on young Bran Hambric and his adventured. After having the joy of reading this myself, I can honestly say that Bran Hambric is sure to be as widely and wildly known as another young man whose world is surrounded by magic. Perhaps you have heard of him - Harry Potter? Hmmmm, ring any bells? Yes, folks, Bran Hambric is that great!
Now, I have the extreme pleasure of sharing with you a few questions that Kaleb Nation took time out to answer. I want to deeply thank Mr. Nation for taking the time to do so.
Enjoy and be sure to get out there and grab your own copy of Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse!
Now, I have the extreme pleasure of sharing with you a few questions that Kaleb Nation took time out to answer. I want to deeply thank Mr. Nation for taking the time to do so.
Enjoy and be sure to get out there and grab your own copy of Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse!
Can you tell us a bit about The Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse? This is the 1st in a series, correct? How many books do you see coming out of the series?
KN: Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse is, quite basically, about a boy who lives in a city where magic is illegal, and discovers that his mother was a magic criminal, whose masters are now hunting for him to complete her crimes. It is the first in a series, and I am writing on the sequel right now. I am planning six books, though I always say that if the last one is too long I'm going to split it up into two.
Who are your favorite characters in the story and why?
KN: One of my favorite characters in the book is Astara. For some reason, she seems to stand out to me in the story as the friend that I'd always want to have around: someone who is loyal and who sticks with you through everything. I'd really like to know Astara in real life.
Can you tell us a bit about your writing process and what writing means to you? Where do you come up with your characters, ideas, etc.?
KN: My writing process for The Farfield Curse was actually a bit odd: at first, I didn't plot much, but just wrote the whole book out on my computer. After that, I spent a long time (AKA, multiple years) writing and rewriting parts of it, until I decided that I REALLY needed to plot things out. After I plotted it, things started to go more smoothly. On the sequel, however, I have everything plotted, so I know where I'm going!
What is a “day in the life of Kaleb” like? Can you share with readers a bit of the person behind the writing?
KN: There isn't really a consistent 'day in the life of Kaleb Nation' these days! At the moment, I'm getting things set to move to another state, so every day I'm packing things. But on a NORMAL day, I usually slither out of bed around 10 AM (I'm a writer -- I sleep late!). I check my email, check Twitter, and then get to work either on my websites or answering mail. Around 2 or 3, I exercise (or pretend to at least) and usually have an energy drink (Red Bull is the drink of choice this month) and then get to writing. I write through the evenings and then wrap the day up answering more emails. That's on a good, organized day (unfortunately, very rare!).
What types of books do you like to read and who are some of your favorite authors?
KN: I love to read stories that make me feel something. I read Looking For Alaska by John Green, and it is the best book I can never force myself to read again. I read it on a train and almost started bawling. Now I'm on to If I Stay by Gayle Foreman, and at the same time I'm reading An Abundance Of Katherines by John Green (this time, not making the mistake of reading it in public places).
What books and authors did you enjoy reading as a child?
KN: I really enjoyed Lemony Snicket books. Those were my favorites growing up. I also really enjoyed the Artemis Fowl series. They're still some of my favorite novels to read even today!
Who inspires you?
KN: Stephenie Meyer has always been one of my writing idols, because we both started writing our books around the same time, and I really love the way she is to her readers. I used to think that writers had to be reclusive and rarely see the people who enjoy their books, but she has a wonderful way of connecting with readers online and at events. Also, I hope to one day become at least half the writer that John Green is.
Have you always wanted to be a writer? Can you see yourself branching out into other genres?
KN: I've wanted to be a writer for most of my life, so this is certainly my dream. I know that I will branch out into other genre's eventually, because I have actually been working on a side project for quite some time now that is not a fantasy book.
Ok, here are some fun questions:
What are some of your favorite foods?
KN: I love Italian food! Especially dining in at Macaroni Grill. And everyone who reads my blog knows how much I love Reese's chocolate.
What do you enjoy doing when you have free time?
KN: I really, really enjoy doing live shows on BlogTV.com. It gives me a chance to connect with people who enjoy my writing. I also like to have fun with friends and watch movies.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
KN: If you had asked me that question five years ago, I don't think I would have said 'a published author', so it's hard to see where life will be leading me! I do hope, however, that sometime within the next five years I can see my name on the New York Times bestseller list. That has always been one of my dreams.
Do you have a favorite movie or t.v. right now?
KN: Favorite movie is definitely a tie between The Dark Knight, Pan's Labyrinth or Slumdog Millionaire. I am actually rather lame when it comes to TV though! I haven't had my own television in a year because I'm so busy, I don't have time to watch! But thanks to Hulu, I keep up with The Office because it always makes me laugh.
Is there anything that you would like to add, Kaleb? Or anything that you would like readers to know about you and/or your writing?
KN: If people want to keep up with all the stuff I'm doing, they can follow me at Twitter.com/KalebNation . I'm always on there and I post updates often!

About Kaleb Nation:
As a child, KALEB NATION had to be forced by his mother to write one page a week in creative writing. But by the time he finished his first story, no one could make him to stop. Age twelve, Kaleb promptly telephoned the senior editor of a major publisher to pitch the book…and got to talk with security instead.
But as with most writers, not even that could stifle his dream. On the third night of the third month in 2003, age 14, Kaleb had a sudden idea that began the story of Bran Hambric, a novel which would take most of his teenage years to write. In early 2007, Kaleb finished the first book in his series (Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse) and signed with Richard Curtis Associates, a leading New York literary agency. On 9/9/09, Kaleb’s debut novel was published by Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, one of the largest independent publishers in the nation.
Aside from writing, Kaleb hosted his first radio show in Texas at age 13, later launching his own program from 2006 – 2008 called The Top 5. Originally produced exclusively for KalebNation.com, Kaleb’s show eventually grew to be broadcast on AM, FM, Internet and satellite radio stations across the globe.
In mid-2008, Kaleb launched a second blog at TwilightGuy.com, giving chapter-by-chapter insight, from a guy and writer’s perspective, on reading the Twilight Saga, a series of popular novels. The website went on to receive over 5 million hits, and was featured in BusinessWeek and Entertainment Weekly magazines, as well as on MTV, ReelzChannel and other TV outlets. Kaleb also began posting regular videos on his Youtube channel, with a combined total of over 8 million plays.
In his free time, Kaleb enjoys photography, music and blogging at his website KalebNation.com. A homeschool graduate and a former black belt in taekwondo, he currently lives in California and turned 20 in 2008.

About Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse:
Bran Hambric was found locked in a bank vault at six years old, with no memory of his past. For years, he has lived with one of the bankers, wondering why he was left behind -- until one night, when he is fourteen, he is suddenly confronted by a maddened creature, speaking of Bran’s true past and trying to kidnap him.
Bran finds that he is at the center of a plot that started years before he was even born: the plot of a deadly curse his mother created…and one that her former masters are hunting for him to complete.
Haunted by the spirit of his mother’s master and living in a city where magic is illegal, Bran must undo the crimes of his past...before it is too late.
Who could possibly have put a six-year-old into a locked bank vault if not mages or gnomes? The answer is larger than Bran. In fact, it is larger than Dunce. It just might be larger than magic itself. It might be about as big as the universe. And Bran is the key. But what’s the lock?
Bran Hambric is as funny as it is action packed. In many ways, it reads as a Terry Pratchett for middle-grade readers. When a young boy is immediately transported to a city in which magic is banned, he is taken in by a foster family that can only be described as ludicrously strange. But, years later, Bran’s life threatens to become the strangest imaginable as he discovers that he is the heir to outlawed magical powers and that equally powerful and dark agencies seek his destruction.
My review for Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse will be coming shortly, so please be on the lookout for that!
*originally published on my blog Cafe of Dreams