Keoni's Big Question
by: Patti B. Ogden
illustrated by: Mary Manning
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: BCH Fulfillment & Distribution; first edition edition (September 25, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 098167836X
ISBN-13: 978-0981678368
Product Dimensions: 10.2 x 8.1 x 0.3 inches
Keoni's Big Question is a delightfully written story whose words are gentle and mesmerizing. One of the big questions that many children ask is: "Why can't I see God?" and Keoni's Big Question answers that perfectly. As Keoni struggles with this bewildering question, adults and children alike will enjoy and revel in the path that Keoni takes to finally find the answer - and what a marvelous answer it is.

With beautiful illustrations to go hand in hand with this down to earth and memorable story, Keoni's Big Question is truly a treasure to grace every family's bookshelf to be read over and over again, for years to come. When difficulities strike and things in life don't always make sense, Keoni's Big Question is the perfect way to sit down and remind ourselves that God is truly all around us and that is what is the most important.
*overall rating 5/5

About Keoni's Big Question:
A young boy who seeks answers about God's presence in everyday life finds that a family friend held the key to his revelation all along. This endearing tale follows the pair on a fishing trip that turns dangerous... then miraculous... leaving Keoni with more answers then he dreamed possible! All children wonder why we can't see God. Keoni's Big Question makes the answer easy to understand! Aimed for ages 4-8 Adults will love the beautiful illustrations and heart warming story too! Great for family reading time or to give as a gift.

About Patti B. Ogden:
As an enthusiastic Sunday school teacher, there was only one thing Patti Ogden did not enjoy about the teaching experience; too often, her lessons would end with the children not grasping the concepts that they were intended to teach. With a genuine heartfelt desire to reach children’s soul realm, she unleashed her God-given creativity and began to break down her lessons into simple terms – added excitement and drama - and suddenly she saw the "lights go on!" Soon the kids were asking questions and wanting to know more!
With a background in journalism and a sincere burden to help kids seek their own spiritual growth, she is now the author of Keoni’s BIG Question and two other Christian children's books due to be released in 2009.
She was born and raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Patti is a devoted wife to her husband Jeff, of 35 years, mother of two and grandmother to five darlings that fill her life with joy. She and her husband Jeff enjoy life on their eleven acre hobby farm in Oregon, Illinois.
2009 Nominee for the CSPA Children's Book of the year award!
Lovely bllog you have
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