The Magic In You
by Sally H. Taylor
by Sally H. Taylor
First off, thanks so much to J.Kaye over at J.Kaye's Book Blog for this delightful book, which I was lucky enough to win in her weekly book raffle!
The first time that I read this, I read it to myself - meaning not to my kids, but just to myself. The concept sounded like a great one and I wanted to check it out right away. I have to say, with all my heart, I truly believe that this book should be one that graces everyone's bookshelves! If you have children, Grandchildren, nieces, nephews or even if you don't have children, The Magic In You is a truly uplifting book, for everyone of any age.
In this day and age of low self-esteem, peer pressure to fit in, and just all of life's pressures, it is reassuring to know that there is something out there that can speak to everyone and let them know that it is ok to be yourself - no matter what.
The Magic In You focuses on a little wildflower who has a bit of a disconcerting start, next to the side of a road, and all alone. She has splendid yellow petals that shimmer in the sun, yet all of the other flowers make her feel alone and like an outcast. All of this becomes worse when a Billy goat happens along and eats one of her petals, leaving her a damaged flower. Now, not only is she alone, but she is being laughed at because she is different. After another harrowing incident with a rude driver, who dashes by, running over the wildflower's leaf, life seems only to be getting crueler. Then one night, as the wildflower is weeping, a beautiful fairy happens by, asking what is wrong. The wildflower asks the fairy to make her beautiful, so that she will fit in and be liked by the others. However, the fairy refuses and instead tells the little flower that she is the one who can make herself beautiful and happy, anytime that she wants, she does not need the fairy's magic for that. At first, the little flower does not understand this, but after a bit of time passes and she learns the true gift of kindness, she discovers that real and true beauty comes from within.
You always hear that inner beauty is the most powerful and precious. No matter how true this is, it is easily forgotten in today's society. This is the perfect book to reinterate such an important lesson and serves as a wonderful reminder and pick me up. To me, it almost seems as though The Magic In You combines all of the many self-help books out there and sums them all up within a few powerfully packed pages.
Not only is the story memorable and beautiful, but the pictures are gorgous works of art. I highly recommend this to everyone - you will not be disappointed!
**40 pgs**
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