Nate the Great
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
We've had this one sitting around the house for a bit and one day, last wkend, while I was sitting on the couch, Nate the Great just happened to be on the table next to me, so I decided to pick it up and give it a whirl. What an adorably cute and fun book! This is the first in this Children's series and we are introduced to a young fellow named - you guessed it - Nate. He has a penchent for pancakes - any time and any where, lol. He is quite the character and envisions himself a master detective. In this first book, young Nate solves the mystery of a little girl's missing picture, that she painted of her dog - as well as another little girl's missing kitty.
While reading this, I was given the gift of many chuckles and think that this is a perfect book to share with any child who wants a fun read. We have another of the Nate the Great books - this one Nate the Great Talks Turkey and am looking forward to reading that one as well.
Tons of humor and tons of fun!
*62 pgs*
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
We've had this one sitting around the house for a bit and one day, last wkend, while I was sitting on the couch, Nate the Great just happened to be on the table next to me, so I decided to pick it up and give it a whirl. What an adorably cute and fun book! This is the first in this Children's series and we are introduced to a young fellow named - you guessed it - Nate. He has a penchent for pancakes - any time and any where, lol. He is quite the character and envisions himself a master detective. In this first book, young Nate solves the mystery of a little girl's missing picture, that she painted of her dog - as well as another little girl's missing kitty.
While reading this, I was given the gift of many chuckles and think that this is a perfect book to share with any child who wants a fun read. We have another of the Nate the Great books - this one Nate the Great Talks Turkey and am looking forward to reading that one as well.
Tons of humor and tons of fun!
*62 pgs*
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